We walked into the gym and were greeted by assistant Coach Chris Moore. I first met Chris in 1998 when I was an asst. coach at UD and he was at Male High School out of Louisville, KY. Coach Moore has great passion for the game and truly cares about the players.
We exchanged pleasantries with former Head Coach of WSU, Jim Brown. The twins asked asked, “Is he a legend like that woman down there at Tennessee, Daddy?” I replied, “Yes Hannah, he is a great person with a great heart!”
“Daddy, who was that older guy that came up to you?” asked Collin. I said, “That is Coach Donlon’s DAD, he is an asst. coach here working with his son.” Collin replied, “He works for his son, Daddy?” I said, “They work TOGETHER for the same Purpose, following their Passion Together, working Together to achieve their Potential and Together they Share their Platform.”
We spoke to Head Coach Billy Donlon’s Camp for about an hour talking about their Purpose, Passion, Potential and Platform with an openmind, a willingness and an honesty. We focused on reading/reacting, offensive concepts 3 vs.0 and 3 vs.3. After the lecture was over , we took a picture with Coach Donlon. As a family, we have unbelievable gratitude to help Impact his camp and very appreciative for the privilege to speak to his camp.
“Daddy, we are kind of like Coach Donlon and his Dad because today, Daddy, we were working for you.” I said,”Collin, we worked as a team, Impacted lives TOGETHER with Coach Donlon, his Dad with our shared Purpose, Passion, Potential and Platform.” “Pretty cool, Daddy,” Collin said.
To share time with Coach Donlon and his Dad was pretty cool!
Time is Love…Love is Priceless….It’s a God thing!