Thank You to Keith Dambrot and his coaching staff at the University of Akron to speak at his Camp last Monday, June 16th. It was great to speak to almost 150 Campers and deliver our message to them with the game of Basketball as the vehicle.
My son, Collin, 9 years old, helped me demonstrate to the camp, I was so proud of him!

After the Camp was over, we went into Head Coach Keith Dambrot’s office to thank him. As I entered, I was met with Longtime assistant coach, Dan Peters. Coach Peters is a former Head Coach at Youngstown State, former asst. coach at Ohio State, University of Cincinnati.

We took a picture together, we sat down in a semi-circle in Coach Dambrot’s Office. Collin and I listened to the Wisdom from Coach Peter’s experience in College Basketball but most importantly in life, especially as a DAD. He shared with everyone that a priority everyday was to spend at least 2 hours a day with his two sons. Powerful message when you have an open mind, a willingness and an honesty. We got up to leave about 45 minutes later. Coach Peters stood up to shake my hand, I walked over and hugged him. WHY?
As we left the Basketball Offices and walked to our car, I told Collin that Coach Peters has Cancer. He has unbelievable strength to fight it. Collin looked up at me, “What’s going to happen to him Daddy?” I responded, “I don’t know Collin, I don’t know if he has 3 minutes, 3 hours, 3 days, 3 weeks or 3 months to live, I don’t know” Collin said, “He is going to go with Uncle Bill?” I said, “We all are going to be with Uncle Bill one day buddy”. Collin put his chin to his chest, looked back up at me with tears in his eyes…no words…Collin proceeded to give me a Bear Hug.
Coach Peters Impacting lives in his toughest fight of his life. A servant Leader who leads from the heart with LOVE because he has a Purpose, Passion, Potential and a Platform as a DAD. It’s a God thing!